
What Makes A Great Life in 2024


As we navigate through 2024, the digital landscape around us continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace. From the latest social media applications to augmented reality headsets like Vision Pro, and the now ubiquitous presence of AI in every facet of our lives, technology has woven itself into the very fabric of our daily existence. Amid this technological inundation, the question of what constitutes a great and fulfilling life becomes increasingly pertinent. Despite the allure of these advancements, the essence of a truly great life can often be distilled into four fundamental principles: connection, mindfulness, continuous learning, and purpose.

1. Connection

In a world where digital interactions often surpass face-to-face encounters, the importance of genuine human connection has never been more critical. The proliferation of new social media platforms and communication tools, while offering unprecedented ways to stay in touch, also poses the risk of superficial connections. A great life in 2024 cherishes and prioritises deep, meaningful relationships with family, friends, and communities. It's about finding balance; using technology to facilitate connections without letting it replace the irreplaceable warmth of in-person interaction. In essence, it's the quality, not the quantity, of our relationships that enriches our lives.

2. Mindfulness

The constant influx of information and stimulation in the digital age can be overwhelming. Mindfulness, the practice of being present and fully engaged with whatever we're doing at the moment, becomes a crucial counterbalance to the fast-paced digital world. It's about using technology, like AI-driven meditation apps or virtual reality mindfulness experiences, as tools to enhance our well-being, rather than distractions that detract from it. A great life incorporates mindfulness practices into daily routines, ensuring that amidst the noise of digital advancements, we don't lose sight of the moment we're living in.

3. Continuous Learning

The rapid evolution of technology underscores the value of lifelong learning. With AI, augmented reality, and other technologies transforming every industry, the willingness to continuously learn and adapt is indispensable. However, a great life doesn't confine learning to professional development alone. It embraces the joy of learning in all its forms—be it picking up a new hobby through online tutorials, exploring different cultures via virtual reality tours, or simply staying curious about the world. The pursuit of knowledge, both for professional advancement and personal fulfilment, remains a cornerstone of a well-lived life.

4. Purpose

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, a great life in 2024 is defined by a sense of purpose. With AI automating routine tasks and augmented reality offering new ways to experience the world, individuals are freed to pursue work and activities that are meaningful to them. It's about leveraging technology to address societal challenges, contribute to the greater good, and find personal fulfilment. Whether it's using social media platforms to raise awareness about important issues, employing AI to solve complex problems, or simply finding ways to use technology to enhance one's quality of life, a sense of purpose guides us toward a life that is not only successful but also significant.

But what happens when you transpose those principles into your personal life, what changes? How does your life improve?

For me I can honestly say that the last six months have been revelatory in terms of self-discovery and personal growth. Through an unforeseen  change in circumstance, I have had the time to reflect on my life and time to think about how to make best use of the time I have left. Having enjoyed studying Philosophy at university, I often meditate on this one particular quote

“Think of yourself as dead. You have lived your life. Now, take what's left and live it properly. What doesn't transmit light creates its own darkness.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations


Out of these principles, I have found my own four pillars, which ironically enough, are the very opposite of high tech and digital quick fixes, so prevalent in our app driven world of today. These are.


- Reading

- Exercise

- Meditation

- Fasting


They are the perfect counterbalance to todays fast paced always on mindset.  My life has changed both in terms of quality of my days, the quality of my thinking and communication with others.

 I have come to see that there is no modern alternative for these ancient activities, if you want to elevate your life above the ordinary.

So, while the latest gadgets and technologies offer exciting possibilities and conveniences, they are just tools in our quest for a fulfilling life.

A great life in 2024, during the digital revolution, remains rooted in these timeless principles—connection, mindfulness, continuous learning, and purpose. It's a life that uses technology as a means to enhance these fundamental aspects, rather than letting it overshadow them.


Looking to the future, it is these principles that will guide us toward not just a life of technological abundance, but one of true richness and fulfilment.
